
Publication details [#52955]

Sagli, Gry. 2023. Blended learning is here to stay!: combining on-line and on-campus learning in the education of public service interpreters. In Gavioli, Laura and Cecilia Wadensjö, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. London: Routledge. URL
Publication type
Chapter in book
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This chapter’s focus is blended learning in the education of public service interpreters. The literature review indicates multiple reasons for introducing blended learning: (1) increased access to education, flexibility and cost-effectiveness; (2) technological innovation; and (3) improved didactics. Given that interpreting is a practical skill, a critical issue is: what learning activities need to be practiced on-campus and which can be carried out on-line? In order to elaborate on the latter question, examples from blended learning courses in a BA on public service interpreting (PSI) offered at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) are used. The chapter argues that student interactivity and the forming of community are essential to create opportunities for learning whether they are on-campus roleplays or on-line chats – given that the learning aims are appropriately matched with learning activity and channel of communication. Still, the chapter also shows that certain learning aims cannot be acquired on-line, for example, the mastering of subtle feedback strategies central in the turn-taking of face-to-face dialogue interpreting.
Source : Based on publisher information