
Publication details [#52982]

Alan, Cihan and Şirin Okyayuz. 2022. İkilik Dışı Cinsel Kimliklerin Görsel-İşitsel Çeviride Yansıtımına İlişkin Sorun Odaklı Bir Yaklaşım [A Problem-Oriented Approach to the Representation of Non-Binary Sexual Identities in Audiovisual Translation]. Çeviribilim ve Uygulamalari Dergisi 33 (1) : 20–41.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The aim of this study is to draw attention to the structural and discursive difficulties that translators may face in reflecting queer identities in audiovisual translation. To this end, binary pronouns in English have been problematized in two ways: (1) the linguistic representation of the queer, who does not define themselves in women and men categories offered by the binary gender regime, (2) problems encountered in translating from a language that categorizes gender into distinct categories (in English, she/her, he/him, etc.) into the gender-neutral Turkish. The analyzed translation examples show that the absence of non-binary pronouns in Turkish may lead to the disappearance of queer markedness or ambiguity in many cases where the word-for-word translation method is adopted. Translators’ word choices and use of neopronouns as a creative effort can also lead to nonfunctional expressions that are inconvenient to the Turkish queer discourse. The study also illustrates functional translations that foreground the markedness of non-binary sexual identities in the target language.
Source : Based on abstract in journal