
Publication details [#53141]

Lombez, Christine, ed. 2021. Circulations littéraires: transferts et traductions dans l’Europe en guerre (1939-1945) [Literary circulations: transfers and translations in Europe at war (1939-1945)] (Traduction dans l'Histoire). Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais. 245 pp. URL


Research conducted on the German Occupation in France and in Belgium have made it possible to bring to light a reality which undermines certain clichés: in fact, the study of both periodicals and mediators shows that intense cultural exchanges during which people, ideas and books continued to travel occurred during the years 1940-1945. Translations have in particular proved to be the vector of these intellectual circulations, which then nourished the European literature. This multi-faceted work addresses the representations of German theater in Paris during the Occupation, the political recovery of Romanticism in Belgium, the translation of American comic strips under Vichy, without forgetting the role played by French, Belgian, and the more or less ideologically oriented Italians. The chapters discover the extent of German penetration in Europe that was fractured by the rise of fascism and by war, but also the dissident forces that express themselves there, which could be regarded as the symbols of the resilience of an entire continent illustrated by the words of Fouchet in 1940 in Fontaine: "We are not defeated".
Source : Based on based on publisher information


Cet ouvrage à multiples facettes aborde les représentations du théâtre allemand à Paris durant l’Occupation, la récupération politique du romantisme en Belgique, la traduction de bandes dessinées américaines sous Vichy, sans oublier le rôle joué par des revues ou périodiques culturels français, belges, italiens plus ou moins idéologiquement orientés. On y découvre l’étendue de la pénétration allemande dans une Europe fracturée par la montée du fascisme et par la guerre, mais aussi les forces dissidentes qui s’y expriment, symboles de la résilience de tout un continent qu’illustrent les mots de Max Pol Fouchet en 1940 dans Fontaine : « Nous ne sommes pas vaincus. »

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