Publication details [#53645]
Lecznar, Matthew. 2021. Speculation at the limits?: Articulating history, genre, and the diasporic fantastic in Nnedi Okorafor's Arro-yo stories. In Sterling, Cheryl, ed. Transnational Africana Women's Fictions. London: Routledge. pp. 130–147.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Title as subject
Place, Publisher
Oxford: Focal Press
This chapter explores Okorafor’s Arro-yo short stories, published together in the collection Kabu-Kabu Stories, which center on flying women from Nigeria who traverse the limits of tradition, geography, and reality. This chapter argues that the Arro-yo stories offer a productive lens through which the development and imaginative framework of Okorafor’s fantasy style can be appraised. Exploring different elements of Okorafor’s early speculative writing, and drawing from studies of war fiction, the study of feminine occlusion in Igbo-Nigerian literature, and diasporic feminist fantasy writing, it contends that the Arro-yo stories represent a creative cauldron of diasporic and speculative transformation, articulating and probing genres, histories, and identities.
Source : Based on publisher information