Publication details [#5405]
United Nations. 2001. United Nations general assembly, fifty-fourth session A/54/188, 16 July 2001. The Interpreters' Newsletter 11 : 163–180.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This contribution, which is linked with another report, is a United Nations report on remote interpretation. The reports concern two ‘full-scale’ experiments entailing the use of six official languages and the continuous use of remote interpretation throughout the duration of typical United Nations sessions. The experiment described here aimed at testing the suitability of satellite links for remote interpretation purposes and was carried out at a UN headquarters in New York from April 16 to April 27, 2001. to simplify the organization of the experiment and to reduce potential costs, interpreters worked remotely from booths other than those of the conference room where the meeting was taking place, but still located at the same conference centre.
Source : Based on publisher information