
Publication details [#54257]

Li, Wei (李伟) and Xiaoyang Luo (骆潇洋). 2020. 翻译知识体系构建的有益尝试——读《现代翻译知识史》 [A useful attempt to build a translation knowledge system]. Chinese Translators Journal (中国翻译) 41 (3) : 78–84. URL


In the context of the global digital era, new types and scenarios of translation are constantly emerging and changing, leading to profound changes in translation activities in many aspects, and the forms and subjects of translation knowledge tend to diversify. It is a practical necessity to strengthen the description and generalization of translation knowledge, which is of far-reaching significance to the construction of the discipline of translation. The History of Modern Translation Knowledge systematically describes the picture of translation knowledge and constructs an innovative translation knowledge system, which is of high academic value and practical significance. This paper explains the content theme of the book, summarizes its writing characteristics, analyzes its academic contributions, and discusses the implications of the book for the writing of translation knowledge textbooks, the path of interdisciplinary translation research, and the construction of a translation discourse system with Chinese characteristics.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

