
Publication details [#54389]

Monzó-Nebot, Esther. 2006. ¿Somos profesionales?: Bases para una sociología de las profesiones aplicada a la traducción [Are we professionals? Basis for applying the Sociology of Professions in Translation Studies]. In Parada, Arturo and Oscar Díaz Fouces, eds. Sociology of translation. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. pp. 155–176.


This paper describes the theoretical bases of a framework designed to analyze legal translators as a professional group. The different waves of the sociology of professions are discussed and essential notions are explained and then applied to certified legal translators in Spain based on the results of a survey among professional certified legal translators conducted by the author in the framework of her doctoral thesis.
Source : Author(s)