
Publication details [#54492]

Fang, Mengzhi (方梦之). 2023. 跨学科创学之成败得失——66种跨学科的翻译学鸟瞰 [The Successes and Failures of Interdisciplinary Creation: a broad overview of 66 types of interdisciplinary translation studies]. Journal of Foreign Languages (外国语) 46 (2) : 79–87. URL


Research on translation theory has gained traction since the 1980s and more than 60 different types of interdisciplinary translation studies has appeared in China. Using the names of 66 different types of interdisciplinary translation studies as keywords in a CNKI-based research, the author presents a critical overview of their application and acceptability. It is found that only a few of them, such as eco-translatology and translation aesthetics, have succeeded in the interdisciplinary research whereas most of them have limited impact on translation practice and translation studies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal


20世纪80年代以来, 我国学人研究翻译理论和建构跨学科翻译学的热情高涨。跨学科的翻译学有自创的、引进的, 也有引进后本土化的。本文以66种不同名目的跨学科翻译学的名称为关键词、主题词, 查询知网数据; 分析发现, 其中只有几种渐趋成熟, 具有应用性、可接受性或解释性, 是成功的, 如生态翻译学、翻译美学等。大多自创的跨学科翻译学接受度差, 影响力弱, 有的形同虚设。