
Publication details [#55253]

Czubińska, Małgorzata. 2022. Wokół metod przekładu i ról aktora-tłumacza w spektaklach wystawianych w języku migowym [Methods of interpretation and roles of the actor-interpreter in sign language performances]. Studia Translatorica 13 : 95–108.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Title as subject
Journal DOI


In Poland, there has been the discovery of the performative potential of sign language by theatre makers, which translates into a growing number of performances staged in this language. Due to the experimental nature of the performances, their translation/interpretation also takes new and creative forms. The aim of this article is to analyze the role “played” by translation in productions staged in sign language, and to show how both actors, interpreters and audience step out of their stereotypical roles. Two performances will serve as sources of examples for the analysis – first one is performance directed by Wojtek Ziemilski titled “Jeden gest” (2016), and the second one is “Nie mów nikomu” (2016) – a performance by Adam Ziajski. In the analyzed performances, regardless of the translation method, the act of translation is deeply rooted in the structure of the performance, marking its various layers – from the visual to the narrative level. The following analysis of the ways of using various methods of translation/interpretation will be conducted on three levels: the presence of specific forms of translation/interpretation on stage, the redefinition of stereotypical roles of the translator/interpreter, the actor and the audience, and the reception of this type of innovative performances by the audience.
Source : Based on abstract in journal