
Publication details [#55486]

Iluk, Jan. 2023. Juristische Polylexeme in der Phraseologie, der Wortbildung und der Übersetzung [Legal polylexemes in phraseology, word formation, and translation]. Studia Translatorica 14 : 9–24.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI


Polylexemes function as the most dominant form of naming in so-called analytical languages. They occur less often in German because compound words are perfered in the same role. These interlingual differences raise various problems in their translation. In research literature, polylexemes are studied with different focuses and consequently treated differently. This article will first discuss the status of legal polylexemes in phraseology. Subsequently, the similarities between polylexemes and German composites will be shown. Finally, polylexemes will be examined from an interlingual perspective as well as by addressing translation aspects of their use.
Source : Based on abstract in journal