
Publication details [#55488]

Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna. 2023. Translation and music: a new subfield of translation studies. Challenges and opportunities. Studia Translatorica 14 : 65–80.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI


The subfield of translation and music is considered as a new area of interest of translation studies, falling under the umbrella term of audiovisual translation. It shares similarities with the former as it is also driven by the need to consider non-linguistic elements of translation. It exemplifies the turn towards multimodality, which has the potential to broaden the scope of research and to highlight the necessity to move beyond textual analyses. However, it seems that this potential leads to some pertinent questions that can challenge the status of fundamental principles of translation studies. This metatheoretical article attempts to demonstrate both challenges and opportunities created by this subfield, and map it onto the developments of translation studies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal