
Publication details [#55490]

Filar, Magdalena. 2023. Kształcenie kreatywności u początkujących tłumaczy: propozycje zadań translacyjnych [Training creativity in a group of beginner translators: translation tasks]. Studia Translatorica 14 : 93–110.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI


This article continues the reflexions on the theory of creative translation by P. Kusmaul (2007; 2015) based on cognitive theories of languages and psychological research on creativity. Additionally, it discusses the usefulness of said theory not only for identifying translation problems and analysing proposed translation solutions, but also for designing translation tasks and their evaluation. The paper discusses translation tasks, which stimulate creativity and reflexivity both on the level of reception of the source text and on its production in a target language. The focus was on group or project tasks, which were given to the more advanced students in translation studies who already had some practical experience with translating written texts. The corpus consists of authentic tasks used in the translation course.
Source : Based on abstract in journal