
Publication details [#55492]

Organ, Michał. 2023. Exploring audiovisual translation practices in Poland: official vs unofficial translators. Studia Translatorica 14 : 125–146.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI


This study investigates the similarities and differences between official and unofficial audiovisual translators in Poland. The research examines seven main categories of interest, including basic information about the research group, education background, actual translation education, individual mastering of AVT skills through non-institutionalised self-education, translators’ preferences for AVT, their workspace, and aspects of teamwork. The data collected from these categories were used to establish a multifaceted comparison of professionals working in the audiovisual translation field in Poland. The study is based on two online surveys examining almost 100 audiovisual translators in Poland. According to the acquired data, official translators are predominantly women, whereas unofficial translators are mainly men, and both groups are formed mostly by people below the age of forty. AVT is the most popular form of translation for both groups, with subtitling is the predominant AVT mode. The study highlights differences in the types of productions each group works on, the software they use in their work, and their collaboration with other specialists in the translation process.
Source : Abstract in journal