
Publication details [#55494]

Włosowicz, Teresa Maria. 2023. The translation of metaphors in a linguistics publication, as exemplified by the Polish, German, and French translations of “Metaphors We Live By”. Studia Translatorica 14 : 178–196.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Title as subject
Journal DOI


The study analyses and compares the Polish, German, and French translations of Lakoff and Johnson’s book “Metaphors We Live By”. Being a specialist publication in linguistics, it requires particular precision in translation. Special attention is paid to the ways of rendering metaphors in the target languages (TLs), simultaneously preserving the underlying concepts and making them sound natural to TL readers. As the results show, the translators managed to preserve most of the metaphors while making the necessary changes, so the TL examples of metaphors can be said to be both equivalent to the SL ones and adequate in the TL.
Source : Based on abstract in journal