Publication details [#55502]
Marcelo Wirnitzer, Gisela and Isabel Pascua Febles. 2022. Historical overview of the translation studies of literature for children and young adults. MonTI: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación 14 : 53–86. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI
Translation of
Marcelo Wirnitzer, Gisela and Isabel Pascua Febles. 2022. Perspectiva histórica de los estudios de la traducción de la literatura para niños y jóvenes [Historical overview of the translation studies of literature for children and young adults]. MonTI: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación 14 : 53–86.
Translation studies of literature for children and young adults have undergone a clear evolution from their beginnings. Different studies have been presented, particularly regarding the target reader of the translation, its affiliation to rigid literary systems, the cultural differences between original and target systems, as well as on specific translation problems. Together with the rapid evolution and diversification of the literary system for children and young adults in many countries, these studies open new fields of research. This paper offers a general overview of the most relevant approaches that have contributed to the development of these studies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal