
Publication details [#55599]

Wu, Jianguang (吴建广) and Xinlei Nie (聂馨蕾). 2021. 从衔接与连贯谈《共产党宣言》最后一句的翻译 [Translating the Last Sentence in the Manifesto of the Communist Party in Light of Cohesion and Coherence]. Contemporary Foreign Language Studies (当代外语研究) 21 (2) : 64–74.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Journal WWW


The comprehension and translation of the last sentence in Manifesto of the Communist PartyProletarier aller Lander, vereinigt euch!” (English: Proletarians of all countries, unite!) has always been controversial, because it can be interpreted in multiple ways. To understand this sentence, one should begin with such aspects as rhetoric, metrics, text linguistics, and Marxist philosophy. This article focuses on the intertextuality, cohesion, and coherence of the concept “unification” in the text, and the contrasting rhetorical form of “all” and “one” in the last sentence. The authors propose that the prevailing Chinese translation “Proletarians of the whole world, associate!” could be alternatively rendered into “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”.
Source : Based on abstract in journal


德文版《共产党宣言》最后一句"Proletarier aller L(a)nder,vereinigt euch!"的理解与翻译是一个值得讨论的问题.这一点睛之笔对我们准确理解《共产党宣言》具有重要意义.要理解这句话,就要从修辞学、诗韵学、篇章语言学以及马克思主义哲学等多方面入手.本文着重探讨"统一"这个概念在文本中的互文性、语文衔接和思想连贯以及最后一句中"所有"与"一"的反差修辞形式(Kontrast).我们认为,译为"全世界无产者,联合起来"有商榷余地.建议翻译为:"所有国家无产者,统一起来"或"所有国家普罗大众,统一起来".