Publication details [#5561]
Vogeleer, Svetlana, ed. 1995. L'interprétation du texte et la traduction [Text interpretation and translation] (BCILL: Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 81). Leuven: Peeters. 178 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISBN 2-87723-189-5 (Paris)
This volume contains the works of the Translation-Interpreting department of l’Institut libre Marie Haps, realised in the framework of a research project drawing on the interpretation of text (literary and specialised texts), translation and teaching of languages of restrained semantic domains. The volume is divided into two parts, depending on the nature of the examined text. The articles compiled in the first part deal with different problems relevant to interpretation and the translation of literary texts. The articles in the second part relate to issues concerning the description, translation and teaching of languages of restrained domains. Therefore, regardless of the nature of the text, the problems discussed in the two parts can be grouped around two central themes: the interpretation of the text, envisaged in a bilingual or monolingual context, and ‘contextual’ terminography, envisaged from a didactic or descriptive point of view.
Source : Based on publisher information