Publication details [#55725]
Mendoza García, Inma and Gustavo Filsinger Senftleben. 2022. Retranslation of infants and adolescents’ literature as a method for incentivizing creative competence: a case study. MonTI: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación 14 : 352–385. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI
Translation of
Mendoza García, Inma and Gustavo Filsinger Senftleben. 2022. La retraducción de la literatura para la infancia y la adolescencia como medio de incentivación de la competencia creativa: un estudio de caso [Retranslation of infants and adolescents’ literature as a method for incentivizing creative competence: a case study]. MonTI: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación 14 : 352–385.
This paper is the result of the implementation of a Teaching Innovation Project (TIP) in a specialized translation course of the BA in Translation and Interpreting of Pablo de Olavide University. The TIP focuses on the retranslation of infants and adolescents’ literature (IAL) and pursues two fundamental goals: to develop future graduates’ creative competence and to make them aware of the role played by the translator as an active participant in the development of the values of a given society in a specific historical period. Thus, after presenting some brief reflections on the editorial practice of censoring political incorrectness in the retranslation of IAL, the authors describe the objectives of the TIP and the research methodology applied, and they show the results obtained and the conclusions reached regarding the degree of applicability of this type of activity in the context of translator training.
Source : Based on abstract in journal