
Publication details [#5573]

Valls, Alvar. 1998. Quan els lladres i serenos han de parlar cátala: l'esclavatge i les angúnies de l'equivalència: una por infundada que cal superar [When thiefs and night watchmen have to talk in Catalan: the slavery and agonies of equivalence: a groundless fear which must be overcome]. Quaderns 1 : 53–56. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Target language


The author postulates a translation strategy when translating into Catalan detective novels. In the domestication process, inevitably linked to translation, the translator's aim must be to serve the reader of the translated text with the greatest respect and the smallest amount of betrayal to the original text. When looking for translation solutions, the translator must take into account the fact that literary language is a convention, that appropriate models of language must be searched through a fruitful reading of modern Catalan writers of this genre, and that all kinds of text can be translated.
Source : Bitra