
Publication details [#558]

Kageura, Kyo, Masaharu Yoshioka, Koichi Takeuchi, Teruo Koyama, Keita Tsuji and Fuyuki Yoshikane. 2000. Recent advances in automatic term recognition: experiences from the NTCIR workshop on information retrieval and term recognition. In Kageura, Kyo and Teruo Koyama, eds. Revising and editing for translators. Special issue of Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 6 (2): 151–173.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Journal DOI


This article provides basic background information on the articles included in this special issue on Japanese term extraction, by (i) clarifying the basic background of research into automatic term recognition, (ii) explaining briefly the ‘contest’-style workshop organised in 1999, and (iii) briefly summarising the ATR methodologies proposed in the articles, and positioning their ideas, philosophies and methodologies within ATR from a unified perspective. Through this information, the authors intend to consolidate the contributions of the NTCIR TMREC workshop, and, hopefully, clarify a basic framework for discussion which different researchers can use to constructively communicate with each other about automatic term extraction and beyond.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

Articles in this volume