
Publication details [#55862]

Szczęk, Joanna and Marcelina Kałasznik. 2014. Übersetzung im Bereich der Kulinaristik – Kulinarien als Stiefkind der Translationstheorie und Translationspraxis [Translation and culinary studies – culinary names as the „stepchildren“ of translation theory and practice]. Studia Translatorica 5 : 195–212. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Target language
Journal DOI


Culinary names constitute an inseparable element of every person’s life. For this reason, they convey information, like realia, entrenched in the culture and tradition of a particular community. On the other hand, however, the linguistic form of culinary names is frequently hardly translatable. They seem to be disregarded by the theory and practice of translation. In this article, the authors present an overview of texts discussing the translation of culinary names, paying special attention to those concerning the German and Polish languages. They also discuss translation strategies and techniques, which fall within the scope of the study, and furnish them with examples.
Source : Based on abstract in journal