
Publication details [#55928]

Kaindl, Klaus. 2024. Visibilities of translation – Visibilities of translators: reflections on the theoretical foundations of an opaque concept. In Freeth, Peter Jonathan and Rafael Treviño, eds. Beyond the Translator’s Invisibility: critical reflections and new perspectives (Translation, Interpreting and Transfer 8). Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 31–48.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject
Edition info
Translated by Peter J. Freeth


This chapter will identify blind spots in discussions of visibility within translation studies and contribute to the term’s theorization and differentiation. It discusses Venuti’s call for visibility and criticisms of translator invisibility, before drawing on insights from other disciplines concerned with visibility that can be utilized within translation studies contexts.
Source : Based on introduction in book