
Publication details [#55934]

Akashi, Motoko. 2024. The implications of translator celebrity: investigating the commercial impact of Haruki Murakami’s fame as a translator. In Freeth, Peter Jonathan and Rafael Treviño, eds. Beyond the Translator’s Invisibility: critical reflections and new perspectives (Translation, Interpreting and Transfer 8). Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 119–146.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


This chapter will begin by briefly discussing the concept of celebrity brand, defining what translator celebrity is and mapping out the factors which make Murakami and Shibata celebrities. The analysis will then proceed to investigate how two imprints (Murakami haruki hon’yaku raiburarī [Haruki Murakami Translation Library] and Murakami Shibata hon’yakudō [Murakami Shibata House of Translation]) were launched and promoted by publishers, and how the translators themselves are engaged in these processes through an examination of the promotional messages in paratexts, including advertisements and book covers, as well as the contents of interviews and articles related to these imprints.
Source : Based on introduction in book