
Publication details [#55938]

Chamsaz, Pardaad, Rachel Foss and Will René. 2024. Making translation visible: the translator-in-residence program at the British Library. In Freeth, Peter Jonathan and Rafael Treviño, eds. Beyond the Translator’s Invisibility: critical reflections and new perspectives (Translation, Interpreting and Transfer 8). Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 235–252.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


The authors of this chapter present a critical reflection on the ways in which the British Library’s translator-in-residence program has made both translation and the multilingual nature of the library’s collections visible. Thus far, two translators have completed residencies at the Library and a key part of their work has been exploring and defining what this role can entail. What both translators, Jen Calleja and Rahul Bery, found during their residences was that multilingualism lay at the heart of much of the British Library’s work and collections, yet the translation that facilitates this multilingualism often remains invisible.
Source : Based on introduction in book