Publication details [#56334]
Huang, Qin (黄勤). 2022. 王际真中国文学经典译介之译者行为研究 [A Study on Chi-Chen Wang’s Translation of Chinese Literary Classics: from the perspective of translator behavior]. Beijing: Science Press. 290 pp. URL
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Chinese-American translator Wang Chi-chen (1899–2001) was a pioneer in the English translation of Chinese literary classics. In the 1940s, he translated, edited, and published five Chinese literary classics, including Dream of the Red Chamber, which allowed Western readers to understand China at the time. In his later years, he also translated a handful of ancient Chinese classics of thought, such as Liezi and two short stories by the Taiwanese writer Chen Ruoxi, and abridged and translated Mirror Flower Fate, among others, into English. Combining textual analysis and empirical investigation, this book analyzes the different translation strategies and translation methods adopted by Wang Chi-chen's English translations of several Chinese literary classics, examines the effects of the translations both within and outside the translation, and explains Wang Chi-chen's translator behavior.
Source : Based on publisher information
Reviewed by
Lin, Jiaxin (林嘉新) and Yibin Huang (黄逸彬). 2023. 求真与务实:跨学科视角下译者行为批评模式探索——《王际真中国文学经典译介之译者行为研究》评介 [Truth-Seeking and Utility-Attaining: an exploration of translator behavior criticism mode from interdisciplinary perspectives——review of A Study on Chi-Chen Wang’s Translation of Chinese Literary Classics: From the Perspective of Translator Behavior]. Foreign Language and Literature Research (外国语文研究) 9 (4) : 108–112.