
Publication details [#56355]

Liu, Haifeng (刘海峰). 2023. 《西游记》英译本在英语世界的经典化 [Canonization of English Translation of Xiyouji in English-Speaking World]. Foreign Language and Literature Research (外国语文研究) 9 (6) : 94–104.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Title as subject
Journal DOI


Through a one-hundred-year journey of translation and dissemination, Xiyouji has finally become a successful model of the canonization of Chinese literature in English-speaking world. This paper investigates the canonization of four translations of Xiyouji from four aspects: economic, scholarly, pedagogical, and social. The research finds that Timothy Richard’s translation is typical case before canonization. While the translation performs well in the Western market for over a century, it fails to become canon because of the translation quality. Canonization of Arthur Waley’s translation is economy-driven type. Economic benefit helps achieving other aspects of canonization. Canonization of Anthony Yu’s translation is scholarship-driven type. The scholarly character helps achieving other aspects of canonization. Canonization of Julia Lovell’s translation is direct type. The translation is recognized as a classic as soon as it is published. The investigation of canonization of translation of Xiyouji can provide experience for translation of Chinese classics.
Source : Based on abstract in journal


《西游记》经过百余年译介历程,终成中国文学异域经典化中的成功案例。本文从经典化的“经济性”“教学性”“学术性”和“社会性”四个维度来考察《西游记》四个主要英译本的经典化历程。研究发现:李提摩太译本属于前经典中的典型,译本虽在百年后通过重版在“经济性”方面取得突破,但仍未成经典;韦利译本经典化属于经济性驱动类型,译本的经济性助推其达成其他经典化条件;余国藩译本属于学术性驱动类型,译本的学术性带动其满足余下经典化条件;蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell)译本属于直接经典化类型,得益于国际书商的护持,译本甫一出版便冠以经典之名。通过考察《西游记》英译本经典化方式可为当下中国文学经典外译提供镜鉴。