
Publication details [#56734]

Wang, Feng (王峰), Lu Zhou (周璐) and Shibin Lin (林世宾). 2024. 中国译学战略: 概念界定、历史阶段与发展路径 [The Strategy of Translation Studies in China: definition, phases, and trajectory]. Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education (外语电化教学) 46 (1) : 41–45. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal WWW


The burgeoning promotion of Chinese literature on the global stage, coupled with the imperative to foster a robust socialist culture, has underscored the significance of translation in disseminating Chinese cultural narratives and facilitating international discourse. Translation studies now bear heightened socio-cultural responsibilities amidst growing academic scrutiny. While past scholarship predominantly delved into aspects such as translation theories, criticism, and pedagogy, scant attention has been paid to strategic planning for disciplinary action, organization, and advancement. The authors first defined and explained the term “the strategy of translation studies." Secondly, they reviewed the historical phases and the developmental trajectory of the discipline. A schematic plan for translation studies entails satisfying disciplinary development, meeting prospect challenges, and conforming to national needs.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

