Publication details [#5685]
Prungnaud, Joëlle. 1994. La traduction du roman gothique anglais en France au tournant du XVIIIè siècle [The translation of the English gothic novel in France at the turn of the XVIIIth century]. In Gouanvic, Jean-Marc, ed. Genres littéraires et traduction [Literary genres and translation]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 7 (1): 11–46.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
During the last decade of the eighteenth century and in the first years of the next, the English Gothic Novel was systematically translated into French. This article shows the extent of this wave of imports, examines the way in which the works were translated, and attempts to measure the effects of such a massive transfer on the receiving culture. The first part provides a statistical view of the phenomenon. The examination of a limited number of titles considered representative of the genre, reproduced in diagram form, suggests some elements of explanation. The quality of French translations is considered, as well as the role and status of translators at this time. We observe that the desire to create texts pleasing to the readers prevails over demands of accuracy. Finally, we attempt to evaluate the consequences of this popular literary mode on the production of local authors. One effect is the publication of numerous spurious translations, imitations, and a host of works of very mediocre quality. But, at the same time, it cannot be denied that the novels of Terror in the end found an echo in the French novelists of the nineteenth century, thanks to tbc influence of these sometimes questionable translations.
Source : Abstract in journal