Publication details [#5693]
Chapdelaine, Annick. 1994. Transparence et retraductions des sociolectes dans The Hamlet de Faulkner [Transparency and re-translation of sociolects in Faulkners The Hamlet]. In Chapdelaine, Annick and Gillian Lane-Mercier, eds. Traduire les sociolectes [Translating sociolects]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 7 (2): 11–34.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
This article presents a "transparent" retranslation of a passage from William Faulkners The Hamlet by McGill University's Research Group in Translatology (known by its French acronym, GRETI), accompanied by an introductory text outlining some elements of the Group's positioning. By "transparency," the GRETI does not mean that the work of the translator should be invisible; on the contrary, the author posits that s/he must inevitably be seen as a hermeneutical pole. The reactualization intends to account for two aspects of Faulkners text that were adversely affected in René Hilleret's initial translation, which obliterated both the sociolectal component of the novel and its comic effects. To properly render these in the retranslation, the author has chosen to draw on the resources of Québécois vernacular, thus producing a precise geographic anchoring one motivated not by a desire to naturalize Faulkner, both rather to present his work to readers in Frenchspeaking countries via Québec. The notes accompanying the translation operate according to the macrotext, taking into account the identity of the characters and their power relationships, situations of enunciation, the previous choices and the isotopies of the novel.
Source : Abstract in journal