Publication details [#5706]
Cronin, Michael. 1995. Altered states: translation and minority languages. In Gambier, Yves, ed. Orientations européennes en traductologie [European orientations in translatology]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 8 (1): 85–104. 
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
The linguistic complexity of Europe is often ignored in political accounts of its translation practice. In particular, the historical experience and contemporary fate of European minority languages are overlooked in assessing the translation strategies available to speakers of minority languages. The problem partly results from a failure to think creatively about definitions of minority languages in a translation context. This context includes the dimension of new technologies which may lead to a new reclassification of languages in Europe and elsewhere. The role of translation in the case of one European minority language, Irish Gaelic, is considered in terms of the dilemmas faced by lesser used languages. Translation is both welcomed and feared. The options available to translators in minority languages differ crucially from those on offer to translators in majority languages. These differences need to be reflected in the theoretical discourse on translation in minority languages but this is not often the case. Furthermore, translation studies as a discipline rarely reflects on its own majority.
Source : Abstract in journal