Publication details [#57159]
Dumas, Felicia. 2022. Femmes traductrices de textes religieux dans le christianisme orthodoxe [Women translators of religious texts in Orthodox Christianity]. In Serban, Adriana and Rim Hassen, eds. Women translators of religious texts. Special issue of Parallèles 34 (1): 59–70.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
This paper discusses the visibility of the feminine identity of the small number of women who have undertaken the translation of Orthodox Christian religious texts in France and in Romania. A distinction must be made between the sacred text itself, in other words, the Bible, and other religious texts, which describe the divine but are not considered to be of divine inspiration. Within Orthodoxy, there is no official document outlining canonical rules for the translation of the sacred text or liturgical or other religious texts, but the Tradition enforces male and female roles in the domain of translation. The study mainly concerns the case of an Orthodox nun who translated the Psalms into French at the end of the 20th century (the translation was published in 2007, two years after her death), but makes several references to other women translators. It is possible to conclude that all of these translators approach the translational act not only with piety and devotion, but also in a manner that is compatible with the feminine way of relating to the sacred within Orthodox Christianity.
Source : Abstract in journal