
Publication details [#57209]

Amini, Mojtaba, Azizollah Dabaghi and Dariush Nejadansari. 2022. Working Memory and Consecutive Interpreting Performance in Proficient Bilinguals: a gender perspective. Intralinea 24. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


Considering the importance of working memory (WM) in interpreting and the scarcity of studies devoted to consecutive interpreting (CI) compared to simultaneous mode, the present study examined the association of WM with English-Persian CI performance. Furthermore, gender differences on WM and CI performance, which has not received a proper attention, was investigated. Two working memory tests and one consecutive interpreting task were administered to 30 MA translation students. The results of a Pearson Correlation showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between both measures of WM and CI performance. Furthermore, according to the results of an independent samples t-test no gender differences were observed in terms of WM capacity and CI performance.
Source : Abstract in journal