Publication details [#57369]
Davitti, Elena and Sergio Pasquandrea. 2018. Integrating authentic data in dialogue interpreting education: a teaching unit proposal. In Anderson, Laurie, Laura Gavioli and Federico Zanettin, eds. Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL): lessons in honour of Guy Aston, Anna Ciliberti and Daniela Zorzi. Special issue of Intralinea. Rivista di Traduttologia URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Empirical research has shed light on the interactional dynamics of Dialogue Interpreting (DI). Nevertheless, it remains unclear how the results of such research can be effectively integrated in interpreter education. This paper outlines a semester-long module, in which research on DI is employed for teaching purposes. During the module, students are introduced to relevant literature and exposed to different case studies of interpreter-mediated interaction, based on authentic data. The aim is to create an understanding of the interpreter’s role and conduct in a variety of communicative situations, and help students identify the challenges that may arise in interpreter-mediated interaction. Implications for codes of conduct are also discussed.
Source : Based on abstract in journal