
Publication details [#57566]

Yu, Yinlei (于银磊). 2024. 从信息翻译到文化阐释: 从《茶经》译介看中国文化传播策略 [From Information Dissemination to Culture Interpretation: a study on the communication strategies of Chinese culture based on the translation and dissemination of The Classic of Tea]. Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education (外语电化教学) 46 (2) : 47–51.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
Journal WWW


Tea culture constitutes an essential aspect of traditional Chinese culture and serves as a pivotal entry point for the dissemination of Chinese culture to the world. The Classic of Tea, authored by Lu Yu during the Tang Dynasty, marks the seminal work in the realm of tea culture, systematically summarizing the techniques and experiences related to tea production before and during the Tang Dynasty. It digs deeply into the cultural connotations and humanistic spirit of tea drinking, commanding significant importance in the history of Chinese and global tea culture. This article delineates the paths and features of the external translation and dissemination of The Classic of Tea within different social and historical contexts. Moreover, it proposes strategies for the contemporary transmission of Chinese culture abroad.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

