
Publication details [#58044]

Yu, Yi (余怿). 2022. 口译过程的“数据—信息—知识”模型: 知识管理学视阈下的释意派“三角模型”再阐释 [Data-Information-Knowledge Model for Interpreting Process: interpretive theory under knowledge management perspective]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 7 (1) : 118–131. URL


The “Triangle Model” and the concepts of “sense” and deverbalization in the Interpretive Theory have been very influential in interpreting studies since they were proposed in the 1970s. However, the theory has faced long-standing criticism. After reviewing the ideas and flaws of the theory, this article explains the interpreting process from the perspective of knowledge management by redefining “sense” and deverbalization and illustrating the conversion of data, information, and knowledge. The article attempts to introduce a new transdisciplinary perspective to interpreting studies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

