
Publication details [#58210]

Huang, Youyi (黄友义). 2022. 从“翻译世界”到“翻译中国”: 对外传播与翻译实践文集 [From “Translating the World” to “Translating China”: essays on international communication and translation practices]. Foreign Languages Press. 636 pp. URL


This book summarizes the author’s 40 years of experience and work in international communication and documents his insights and reflections on how to effectively communicate China’s message to the world. Based on the author’s involvement in the translation of a great many important Party and government documents since reform and opening up, the book highlights the critical role of translation in international communication as well as in the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and other nations in four chapters: Translation and Foreign-language Publishing, International Communication and Cultural Exchange, Education and Professional Training, and Translation Sector Development. It is a witness to and display of China’s progress in international communication and translation work since the 1980s and a vivid record of the veteran translator’s lifelong dedication to representing China.
Source : Based on publisher information


《从"翻译世界"到"翻译中国"》收录了作者自2004年以来在国内外会议上的发言、学术讲座的精选内容,国内外刊发的部分论文和专访,以及少量序言、书评和随笔。文集以前瞻性、指导性、概览性文章为主,包含大量具体案例和相关统计数据,系统论述了对外翻译工作对国际传播的重要作用与影响,是改革开放以来我国国际传播和翻译事业发展进步的见证和呈现。 本书理论与实践并重,既有助于国际传播和对外翻译领域一线工作者提升业务能力,又适合全国高等院校翻译专业和国际传播专业师生学习借鉴,也为相关领域提供了丰富的研究资料。