Publication details [#58326]
Mus, Francis, Elke Brems and Arvi Sepp, eds. 2024. A Belgian perspective on translation and world literature. Special issue of Perspectives 32 (6) : 977–983
Publication type
Special issue
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Manchester: St. Jerome
The special issue formulates two objectives in conceiving Belgian literature as world literature. First, it shifts the focus from a Flemish or Francophone perspective to a Belgian perspective. It is the authors' hope that the bringing together of, and the coherence between, the seven case studies will offer a broader consideration of how institutions, in their roles as mediators, both in their practices and in their discourse, represent these works and authors. Second, on a methodological level, it adopts an approach that is explicitly and centrally informed by Translation Studies, while at same time insisting on the need of a complementary multidisciplinary framework consisting of Literary Studies, Cultural Studies and Sociology to tackle issues of circulation, transfer and mediation in the translation of Belgian literature. The role and importance of multilingualism, stereotyping or multimodality in the valorisation of a text or author, for example, are elements that are investigated through a multidisciplinary lens. The aim is thus to initiate a discussion regarding an adequate theoretical–conceptual framework and accurate methodological tools for the study of the relationship between national literature and world literature.
Source : Based on editor(s)
Articles in this volume
Absillis, Kevin and Francis Mus. Between Heimat and world. Belgian perspectives on the success of Felix Timmermans's novel Pallieter (1916) in Germany and France. 984–1000
Vanacker, Beatrijs and Tom Verschaffel. Cultural transfer and literary culture in eighteenth-century Brussels. French journalists as cultural mediators. 1001–1019
Burki, Ulrike. ‘Ein Querschnitt durch Flandern’. The ‘anti-Belgian’ image of Flanders in Friedrich Markus Huebner’s Flamisches Novellenbuch (1918). 1020–1035
Roland, Hubert. ‘Germanen sprechen französisch, Romanen fühlen flandrisch’? German translations of Marie Gevers under National-Socialism. 1036–1049
Smeyers, Elies. Hugo Claus in French translation: a Flemish-Belgian author entering the scene of world literature. 1063–1077
Gutiérrez Lanza, Camino and Cristina Gómez Castro. Revision and retranslation of children's classics in modern-day UK and Spain: the case of Enid Blyton's The Famous Five and Malory Towers. 1098–1114
Calvo-Ferrer, José Ramón. Can you tell the difference? A study of human vs machine-translated subtitles. 1115–1132