
Publication details [#58480]

Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro. 2024. Nuevos retos (de recepción y comprensión intersemióticos) para la accesibilidad: los referentes culturales [New challenges (of reception and inter-semiotic understanding) for accessibility: cultural references]. In Navarro-Brotons, Lucía, Analía Cuadrado-Rey and Iván Martínez-Blasco, eds. Accesibilidad, traducción y nuevas tecnologías [Accessibility, Translation, and New Technologies] (IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature 41). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 7–42.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


In this article, after defining the concept of cultural reference and limiting its treatment to the study of phraseological units and intertextual references, the author addresses these two phenomena in order to show the difficulty that users without visual or acoustic perception problems have in identifying and understanding them. Then, after presenting the regulations designed to help disabled people in their daily lives, the author shows that cultural references have not been researched in depth in the field of accessibility and that support measures are necessary so that the viewer can have a reception, at least compensatory, of this phenomenon.
Source : Based on abstract in book