
Publication details [#58487]

Martínez-Blasco, Iván. 2024. El SPS como herramienta transversal para la adquisición de competencias traductoras en el contexto de la enseñanza de la traducción especializada [The SDH as a transversal tool for the acquisition of translation skills in the context of teaching specialised translation]. In Navarro-Brotons, Lucía, Analía Cuadrado-Rey and Iván Martínez-Blasco, eds. Accesibilidad, traducción y nuevas tecnologías [Accessibility, Translation, and New Technologies] (IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature 41). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 205–223.


The aim of this article is to include Subtitling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing audiences (SDH) as a transversal competence in the teaching-learning of French-Spanish Technical-Scientific Translation, to implement a didactic proposal that will help students to consolidate and expand the competences required by this branch of the discipline. To this end, the author aims to familiarise students with real working dynamics in the field of subtitling for deaf and hard-of-hearing people by using simulated collaborative translation assignments in which students act in assigned roles, and which serve to raise practical issues of the labour market in audiovisual translation and accessibility applied to the context of technical-scientific translation.
Source : Based on abstract in book