
Publication details [#5849]

Dumontet, Danielle. 2000. Possibilités et limites des transferts culturels: le cas des romans La Reine Soleil Levée de Gérard Étienne et Texaco de Patrick Chamoiseau [Possibilities and limitations of cultural transfers: a case study of La Reine Soleil levée by Gérard Étienne and Texaco# by Patrick Chamoiseau]. In Malena, Anne, ed. Les Antilles en traduction [The Carribean in translation]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 13 (2): 149–178.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


This article addresses the problematics of cultural transfers in general and, in particular, the passage of literary texts written in far-away francophone contexts such as the French Caribbean into a context where writings commonly termed postcolonial do not exist - in this case, Germany. Based on the translations of two novels, La Reine Soled levee by Gérard Etienne and Texaco by Patrick Chamoiseau, I will analyze the difficulties of transposing texts that are already imbued with alterity - a transposition that necessitates other strategies than the common practice of banalization, or even the one chosen by the translator, which may be defined as exoticization.
Source : Abstract in journal