
Publication details [#5850]

Gyssels, Kathleen. 2000. La migration des mots et le néerlandais comme langue mineure dans la mosaïque linguistique caribéenne [Word migration and Dutch as a minor caribbean language]. In Malena, Anne, ed. Les Antilles en traduction [The Carribean in translation]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 13 (2): 179–202.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Among the various Caribbean literatures, Dutch-Caribbean literature remains largely unknown and unstudied. In a first part, this article analyzes the reasons for this paucity, and indicates at the same time some rare initiatives to break out of the linguistic isolation: special issues of outstanding literary reviews have been dedicated to the promotion and emancipation of Dutch Caribbean writers. In a second part, the article stresses the importance of translation of Francophone Caribbean literature into Dutch: the Dutch editor Knipscheer has given extensive attention to French Caribbean authors, and we focus in a last part on some difficulties in translating Simone Schwarz-Bart's and Condé's novels into Dutch.
Source : Abstract in journal