
Publication details [#5854]

Léger, Benoît. 2001. Traduire ou imiter les Psaumes: la version de Desfontaines (1717) [Betray or imitate the Psalms: the version of Desfontaines (1717)]. In Chapdelaine, Annick, ed. Traductologie et diversité [Translation studies and diversity]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 14 (1): 65–99.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject


The year 1717 saw the publication of Pierre-François Guyot, Abbé Desfontaines' (1685-1745) translation, or imitation, of the Psalms, Poësies sacrées. An analysis of the introductory comments to the translation of the Psalms allows for a better understanding of Desfontaines' aesthetics regarding auctorial and translation activities, thanks to his justifications and declared intentions. Thus, for Desfontaines, the translation of the Psalms, both a pleasant and pedagogical piece of writing, required more than a docile literary translation, it entailed true verse writing. Desfontaines therefore takes his position at the intersection of author and translator, in choosing imitation rather than paraphrase to find the "fidelity" to both the original and the target language and culture.
Source : Abstract in journal