
Publication details [#5895]

Dancette, Jeanne Eugénie. 2003. L’élaboration de la cohérence en traduction, le rôle des référents cognitifs [The development of coherence in translation: the role of cognitive references]. In Chapdelaine, Annick, ed. Controverses en traductologie [Controversy in Translation Studies]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 16 (1): 141–160.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Coherence does not exist in the text per se; it is rather a matter of cognitive construct. Coherence is always defined in the theories of text reception, psycholinguistics or text linguistics by the interaction between the next and its reader making inferences. Our paper deals with the manifestations of coherence as it is built by the translator. Its aim is to show that this process is based on the cognitive references of the translator, in specialized translation as in literary translation. A think-aloud protocol will be used to show that cognitive constructs take the form of conceptual approaches in terminology. However, the point is also made that coherence is relative and unpredictable as it involves the reader’s subjectivity.
Source : Abstract in journal