Publication details [#5898]
Demers, Ginette. 2003. L’interprétation et la traduction sur la côte ouest du Canada actuel à l’époque des explorations par mer et des débuts de la traite des fourrures sur le littoral (1774-1800) [Intepreting and translation on the Canadian West Coast at the time of the maritime explorations and the early days of the fur trade on the coast, 1774-1800]. In Chapdelaine, Annick, ed. Controverses en traductologie [Controversy in Translation Studies]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 16 (1): 215–242.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Interpreting did not play a significant part in the explorations by sea because contacts with the natives were brief. Fur traders, though, realised that they could obtain more furs when they could communicate with the natives through interpreters. Many merchants also tried to learn native languages and compiled bilingual vocabularies. During the Nootka controversy, in the early 1790’s, talks ans letters between Vancouver and Bodega had to be translated: therefore, interpreting an translation were absolutely necessary.
Source : Abstract in journal