Publication details [#5940]
Korda-Savva, Diamantoula. 1999. Traduttore-traditore? Translational problems in literary translation [Is translation a betrayal? Translational problems in literary translation]. In Moser, Amalia, ed. Greek Linguistics '97: Proceedings of the third International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Athens: Ellinika Grammata. pp. 1003–1011.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Edition info
in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Greek Linguistics
The main issue discussed is the translation of Greek literary texts into English and more particularly the translator’s considered fidelity to the original text, the conventions of the procedure followed in translation and the impact of the translated text on the Target Language and Society. To illustrate his points the author uses examples from the poetry of C.P. Cavafy as it was translated in English by two (of a number of) different translators: Keeley and Sherrard and Mavrogordato. The translators belong to different schools of thought and methodology in terms of translation therefore they revealed different aspects of the same poems. A tentative conclusion of the paper is that sometimes the translated text may shed light on the original text, thus adding another dimension for its better understanding.
Source : Based on abstract in book