Publication details [#5941]
Gambier, Yves and Henrik Gottlieb, eds. 2001. (Multi)media translation, concepts, practices, and research (Benjamins Translation Library 34). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xx + 298 pp. 
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
US ISBN: 1-58811-088-5
The globalisation of communication networks has increased the domains of translation and is challenging ever more the translator’s role. This volume is a collection of contributions from two different conferences (Misano, 1997 and Berlin, 1998). (Multi)Media translation, especially screen translation (TV, cinema, video), has made more explicit the complexities of any communication and has led us to take a fresh look at the translator’s strategies and behaviours. Several papers ponder the concepts of media and multimedia, the necessity of interdisciplinarity, the polysemiotic dimension of audiovisual media. Quite a few discuss the current transformations in audiovisual media policy. A great many deal with practices, mainly in subtitling but also in interpreting for TV and surtitling: what are the quality parameters and the conditions to meet audience’s expectations? Finally some show the cultural and linguistic implications of screen translation. Digitalisation is changing production and broadcasting and speeding up convergence between media, telecommunications and information and communication technology. Is (multi)media translation a new field of study or an umbrella framework for scholars from various disciplines? Is it a trick to overcome the absence of prestige in Translation Studies? Or is it just a buzz word which gives rise to confusion? These questions remain open: the 26 contributions are partial answers.
Source : Publisher information
Articles in this volume
Viaggio, Sergio. Simultaneous interpreting for television and other media: translation doubly constrained. 23–33 
Sánchez-Mesa Martínez, Domingo. Hypertext and cyberspace: new challenges to Translation Studies. 35–43 
Wehn, Karin. About remakes, dubbing & morphing: some comments on visual transformation processes and their relevance for translation theory. 65–72 
Zabalbeascoa Terran, Patrick and Laura Santamaría Guinot. Disentangling audiovisual translation into Catalan from the spanish media mesh. 101–111 
Mack, Gabriele. Conference interpreters on the air: live simultaneous interpreting on Italian television. 125–132 
Dewolf, Linda. Surtitling operas with examples of translations from German into French and Dutch. 179–188 
Karamitroglou, Fotios. The choice to subtitle children's TV programmes in Greece: conforming to superior norms. 189–198 
Tomaszkiewicz, Teresa. Transfert des références culturelles dans les sous-titres filmiques [Transfer of cultural references in film subtitles]. 237–248 
Reviewed by
Lauffer, Sabine. 2001. Review of (Multi)media translation, concepts, practices, and research: concepts, practices and research. In Nouss, Alexis, ed. Antoine Berman aujourd'hui [Antoine Berman today]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 14 (2): 232–234.