
Publication details [#5983]

Baer, Brian James and Geoffrey S. Koby, eds. 2003. Beyond the ivory tower: rethinking translation pedagogy (American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series 12). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xvi + 259 pp.


This volume focuses on those pedagogical issues typically ignored by the theory versus practice debate. All of the contributors are translator trainers working in various institutional settings in North America and Europe. The volume is divided into three sections. The articles in the first section explore various pedagogical interventions that are focused on the performance of translation, or translation as process. The articles in the second part elaborate upon approaches to translator training that deal with finished translations, or translations as product, raising questions of assessment, evaluation, and text revision in both professional and academic settings. The articles in the third section address some of the pedagogical opportunities and challenges raised by developments in translation-related technologies.
Source : Based on publisher information

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