
Publication details [#6]

Bessé, Bruno de and Donatella Pulitano. 1996. Which terms should firms or organisations include in their terminology banks? The case of the canton of Berne. In Somers, Harold L., ed. Terminology, LSP and translation: studies in language engineering in honour of Juan C. Sager (Benjamins Translation Library 18). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 35–46.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
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Target language


This article describes the LINGUA-PC programme, developed by the Canton of Berne, to handle its terminology, enabling its terminologists to manage the Canton’s entire terminological base and its translators to consult the data. In the bilingual Canton of Berne the need for a terminology department arose relatively early. Translators employed by the Canton of Berne have access to (a) LINGUA-PC and (b) EURODICAUTOM/TERMDAT, the latter containing terms from all scientific, technical and institutional fields, the former covering exclusively Bernese terms. The paper further defines the concept of Bernese terms, and describes the criteria for inclusion in the terminology bank. Most of the Bernese terms are to be found in the laws of the Canton. A description of the deposit programme of the terminology bank of the Canton of Berne rounds off the paper.
Source : L. Jans