
Publication details [#6184]

Chiaro, Delia and Giuseppe Nocella. 2004. Interpreters' perception of linguistic and non-linguistic factors affecting quality: a survey through the world wide web. Meta 49 (2) : 278–293.


This paper presents and discusses the results of an empirical study on perception of quality in interpretation carried out on a sample of 286 interpreters across five continents. Since the 1980s, the field of Interpreting Studies has been witnessing an ever-growing interest in the issue of quality in interpretation both in academic and in professional cycles, but research undertaken so far is said to be lacking methodological rigour. This survey is an attempt to revise previous studies on interpreters’ perception of quality through the implementation of new information technology which enabled the authors to administer a traditional research tool such as a questionnaire, in an innovative way; i.e., through the world wide web. Using multidimensional scaling, a perceptual map based upon the results of the manner in which interpreters ranked a list of linguistic and non-linguistic criteria according to their perception of importance in the interpretative process, was devised.
Source : Based on abstract in journal