Publication details [#6245]
Buttiens, Michel. 2004. Les Documents parlementaires: jusqu'à quel point les traductions de documents historiques ont-elles en elles-mêmes une valeur historique? [The Sessional Papers: to what extent do translations of historical documents have their own historical value?] In Bastin, Georges L., ed. L'histoire de la traduction et la traduction de l'histoire [History of translation and translation of history]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 49 (3): 475–480.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language
Target language
For translators confronted with historical accounts of events having occurred in Canada during the last 150 years, some historical sources are essential. The Sessional Papers, which contain, in both English and French, all documents tabled in the House, are among these. To what extent are translators obliged to quote word for word translations done – in a hurry? – decades ago? Should translators follow the trend to revisionism that has been adopted by modern historians?
Source : Based on abstract in journal